4 hours

An official tourist guide will meet you at the picnic bar in the Beverello pier at the port of Naples, (five minutes walk from the cruise ship terminal) holding a sign with your surname.

We will start our walking tour from one of the three most important areas of Naples, the monumental by exploring the buildings that have made the history of Naples: Maschio Angioino or New Castle. Royal Palace, San Carlo theater, Umberto first gallery and the famous plebiscite square with Royal Pontificial, Basilica of San Francesco da Paola.

We will stop for a good espresso and Neapolitan sfogliatella at the Caffetteria Storica di Napoli Gambrinus and then continue our walking tour. We will reach the heart of Greek-Roman Naples, where we will admire some of the most famous churches in the world for their works of art.

We will finish our tour walking along the famous via dei presepi where all year round Neapolitan artists delight in creating these unique examples of the nativity scene.

DEPARTURE/RETURN LOCATION Naples, we will meet you at the picnic bar in the Beverello pier at the port of Naples (five minutes walk from the cruise ship terminal) holding a sign with your surname.
DEPARTURE TIME It dependes on the guests (morning or afternoon).
RETURN TIME After 4 hours from the start of the tour.
WEAR Comfortable clothing and shoes.
INCLUDED Tourist guide for a tour of 4 hours
Espresso or soft drinks and neapolitan sfogliatella typial neapolitan pastry
NOT INCLUDED Entrance fees to the churches and museums



Meeting time

An official tourist guide will meet you at the Picnic Bar in the Beverello pier at the port of Naples (five minutes walk from the cruise ship terminal) holding a sign with your surname.

First walking tour

We start our walking tour from one of the three most important areas of Naples the monumental by exploring the buildings that have made the history of Naples: Maschio Angioino or New Castle, Royal Palace, San Carlo theater oldest opera house in the world, Umberto first gallery and finaly the famous pebiscite square with Royal Pontificial Basilica of San Francesco da Paola.

Espresso break

Short stop for a good espresso and Neapolitan sfogliatella at the Caffetteria Storica di Napoli Gambrinus.

Second walking tour

Continuing our walking tour, we will reach the heart of Greek-Roman Naples,where we will admire some of the most famous churches in the world for their works of art and then we will finish our tour by walking along the famous via dei presepi, where all year round Neapolitan artists delight in creating these unique examples of nativity scenes.

Meeting point

Use the Google Maps navigator to easily reach our meeting point.

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